Mission & Service
Each of us was made by God for mission. We are to go out into the world in service as a representative of Jesus Christ. As Pastor Chris said, “How Christian service is accomplished takes many different shapes and forms, but it all begins with God and ends with others.”
Ways to Serve
- Food Collection: Bring non-perishable food donations to church every Sunday for our food pantry which supports the Christian Sharing Center and the Hope Helps Pantry.
- 5¢ per Meal Offering: Collected the second Sunday of each month to provide funding for hunger relief projects.
- Meals on Wheels: Volunteers deliver meals to shut-ins in the Casselberry area. TPC covers two routes Thursday morning.
- Christmas in the City: Members donate food for a Christmas meal and gifts for the homeless and needy families in South Seminole at Christmas time.
- Daily Bread: TPC volunteers help serve the noon meals one week per year at the Christian Service Center in Orlando.
- Heifer Project: Raises money once a year for the purchase of livestock so that families around the world can lift themselves up from poverty.
- Adopt a Kettle: Assist the Salvation Army by staffing one of their Christmas kettles at a local store for one day during the holidays.
- Mission Trips: Our mission trips, both out of state and internationally, focus on repair work to homes and businesses of the needy and providing ministry for their hearts and souls.
- Gleaning: Seasonally, TPC organizes a gleaning trip to a local farm where we pick produce that is donated to needy families.

Organizations We Support
- The Presbyterian Church, USA (PCUSA). Provides support staff and resources for education, spiritual growth, and global missions. In addition, we designate funds for individual mission projects.
- Elizabeth and Dan Turk, Presbyterian missionaries in Madagascar
- Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
- Presbyterians Answer to Hunger
- Special offerings like Pentecost Offering, Peacemaking Offering, Christmas Joy Offering and One Great Hour of Sharing.
- Presbyterian Mission Agency
- Hope Helps. Inc. TPC provides donated pantry resources, clothes, linens, housewares, toys, etc to the thrift store located in downtown Oviedo. Hopehelps.org
- The Christian Service Center. TPC provides this ministry financial support as well as volunteers, food and clothing. This center offers many community services, including the Daily Bread. Chris
- Edgewood Children’s Ranch. Edgewood provides a Christian home and school for troubled youth ages 6-18.
- New Life Children’s Home, Haiti. The New Life Children’s Home is a rescue center in a country where there is so much devastation and lack of resources. The New Life Center houses, cares for and teaches the disabled children who were abandoned after the 2010 earthquake that devastated Haiti.
“I tell you the truth,
whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine,
you did for me.”
Matthew 25:40