The mission team has arrived safely in Westmoreland, TN. Karyl Melick sent the following report:
Sunday was a great travel day. We made a couple is stops and stopped in Kennesaw, GA at Days Inn. We ate at an Italian restaurant called Ippy’s and the food was great. Now we are off to Tennessee after a lovely stop at Dalton, GA. Next post to follow. Thanks for your prayers!
Monday was a shorter drive and we arrived in Westmoreland about 2:30 p.m. On the way we observed God’s beautiful creations which you can see in the pictures.
We had a great meal and evening worship and them some quality time as a group talking about personal mission experiences and our job site.
We will be helping a couple with their drainage problem around their home and cleaning the molds of the outside of their house.
As always, thank you for your prayers!