Life is abundant with disappointment.

What helps us deal with disappointment is the knowledge that we are not alone.We’ve all experienced disappointment, either because of our own conduct or because of something someone else did. And, being honest, we’ve probably all disappointed someone else.

Disappointment can be painful and discouraging. Knowing that we are not alone in dealing with these feelings certainly helps, but there are also other pearls of wisdom that we can glean from understanding that others have been disappointed long before we were ever even thought of; and will continue to be disappointed long after we are gone.

What helps us deal with disappointment is the knowledge that we are not alone. As members of a Christian community, we have God and one another. And when we stay focused on Jesus Christ, we are able to find joy in life in spite of any pain and suffering we may endure.

How is our ability to endure strengthened? It takes time. It takes hearing words of support regularly. It takes continuing to build and cultivate relationships with other people. It takes looking for, finding and seeing God, despite how discouraged or disappointed we may be. When we practice these things, we strengthen our endurance and ability to see a bright future amidst all the muck, mire, and darkness that we may be feeling or experiencing.

Our core endurance and strength for perseverance in the face of disappointment and adversity lies in Jesus Christ. If He was able to accept his crucifixion and understand a future of hope and joy, we can look to Him to gain strength for anything and everything we endure; and most certainly can overcome any and all disappointment.