Lord, in your mercy we pray.
We pray that the overflowing love you have for all your children find space in everyone’s heart.
We pray for healing, and your miraculous mending touch that it may help heal the physical, emotional and spiritual wounds that have been created by the hands of another.
We pray for your constant presence with those that grieve and mourn now and those that will continue to do so for months and years into the future.
Heavy hearts, a sense of numbness and helplessness, all pervade our thoughts as we reflect on the recent tragedy in Orlando.
Grant us, O God, the wisdom and emotional understanding to realize we are allowed to feel hurt and betrayal and know that you grieve with us.
Help us to understand that fear can be overcome, as you have shown us what it means to live with courage and to know that death does not have the final word.
Equip us to share our own feelings of pain, loss, emptiness, sadness, fear and anger freely with others and with you.
Sometimes actions, thoughts, and words that come from others are well beyond our comprehension and understanding. We know that you know and see all, and that is a burden we might be unwilling to bear, aside from wanting to satisfy our own curiosity. For that, for your presence and your gifts of hope and love, we are eternally grateful.
Please grant us the strength and insight to better understand how and what we should do to appropriately share your important message of the good news of the Gospel with others. Show and enlighten us the different ways that we can be your faithful disciples through all the hills and valleys of life in any way that you see fit.
Help us all to know and feel your comfort, your peace, your grace and your promise of life eternal.