Notes and thoughts on Rev. Walk Jones’ message Oct. 12, 2014


The Lord is my shepherd tuskawilla presbyterianSo much in our culture tells us that we are the center of the universe, that it’s all about us, the cars we drive, the houses we live in, the clothes we wear. The Bible tells us not to make ourselves the center of the universe, but to make God the center of our lives.

It’s easy to sit in the pews on Sunday mornings and say that we believe; it’s something else to truly trust and give our lives to God. We must let ourselves be clay in God’s hands, to let God mold us and shape us into what He wants us to be. Sometimes this process can be painful, but it’s worth it.

To grow and become who God wants us to be, we must change, and change is not always easy. But we don’t have to go through change or difficult times alone. Jesus is the shepherd who is with us every step of the way.

The 23rd Psalm is many things – a poem, song, prayer. Most important is that it is a statement of faith and belief of the people of God.

The members and visitors at Tuskawilla Presbyterian Church would like to express our thanks to Rev. Walk Jones for filling in for Pastor Melanie today.


These notes were posted by Jackie Clement. Please add your comments below.

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