Notes and thoughts on Rev. Dr. Ed Peterson’s message June 1, 2014
How are you dealing with the seasons of life? Have you settled into a comfortable rut, resistant to change? Or are you available and willing to seek a new direction?
Mid-life can be a time to transition to a new journey, a richer time. Be open to God’s plans for you, even if it means change, challenges and being uncomfortable – even if it means leaving your former life behind.
As we (the members of Tuskawilla Presbyterian Church in Oviedo) enter this time of transition as a congregation, we must be open to God’s plans for TPC. We don’t yet know the details of those plans; we only know that whatever God asks of us will glorify Him.
What is God calling you to do at this point in your life? Are you settled or available?
These notes were posted by Jackie Clement. You are welcome to add your comments below.