We are going to add pictures to our church directory, and we want yours to be in it.

Instead of going through a traditional church photography company that tries to sell pricey picture packages and means a lot of volunteer hours getting sittings scheduled, here’s what we’re going to do:

Our existing church management software allows us to add images to each listing. We will begin adding images to the database beginning in June. The directory will continue to be distributed as it is now, which is in a PDF file by email to any member who requests one. We will arrange to print copies by special request for those who can’t print their own.

This new approach allows us to easily keep the directory up-to-date and we won’t have to store a supply of printed directories. We will continue to limit access to the directory to church members; member information and photos will not be posted online or distributed publicly.

We will also take this opportunity to update the information in our directory.

If you have a family photo you would like to use for the directory, please email it to Jackie@contacttcs.com. Please be sure your file name includes your last name and you indicate the full name(s) of everyone in the picture.

If you would like a new picture, Jerry Clement has volunteered to take professional photographs of our members at no charge. These pictures are for the directory only and will not be offered for sale. We will set up a backdrop and studio lighting in Fellowship Hall.

Below are the dates/times Jerry will be taking pictures at the church:

  • Wednesday, May 11, 9 a.m.-noon. This is primarily to get pictures of the staff, but members are welcome to stop by and get their picture taken. Please let us know if you plan to do that so we know to wait for you if we get finished early.
  • Sunday, May 29, 9:30-10:30 a.m. This period is on a first-come, first-served basis and will end promptly at 10:30 so Jerry can get to choir.
  • Sunday, June 12, 12:15-1 p.m. Also on a first-come, first-served basis, but we will stay until everyone’s picture is taken.

On Tuesday, May 3, we will have the lights and backdrop set up in our home and will do pictures there by appointment between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. If you would like to schedule a time, please email Jackie@contacttcs.com.