The mission team continues their work in Westmoreland, TN. Karyl Melick sent the following report:
This was the third day of work, and it was a very hard one for all. We are so exhausted but we really got a lot done.
The ditch has been dug and we are ready to pour cement for the drain tomorrow. The house has been power-washed, the grounds have been cleaned beyond belief.
There is still more to do but so far we can see such a difference. They have a big tree that is so covered in vines you can’t even see the trunk so we worked on removing them and it looks great.
I’ll let you know tomorrow of further developments. We love and thank you all for your prayers.
Attached are some pictures of the things I have mentioned. Our group took a photo with all of us plus the mother and son who joined us, as well as JR and his wife Barbara. I included one with all of us at the Sonic for ice cream or milkshakes.