TPC’s 2018 Mission Team

Dawn Reed, Bob Gray, Steve Brockman, Colby Brockman, John Spencer, Sundi Bales, David Snyder, Emily Snyder, Lara Snyder, Karyl Melick, Steve Vanderwolf, Susan Baccus, Gail Davis, Rockne Keyek
The mission team left on Sunday, July 15, for Westmoreland, TN.

Emily, Lara and David Snyder are ready to work on the roof.
Report from Karyl Melick, 7-18-18 a.m.
Yesterday we visited our work site for the first time. There was a lot to do. We cleaned up around the outside of the house, surveyed inside the house and started the roof repair by taking off the old shingles. We found holes in the plywood and removed all of that. Two people went looking for matching siding to finish that on the house as well as other supplies.

David Snyder takes a break from ripping off the old roof materials.
While waiting for supplies, we found a 40-50′ walkway covered with grass outside the back door and cleaned it up.
When we were finished with things to do at the house, we made it back to camp, rested and had a great meal. The songs were wonderful with a new singer. For the message, we take turns with Dave, our camp leader, and the Louisiana team. It makes for very encouraging and inspirational worship.
Report from Karyl Melick 7-18-18 p.m.

Rockne and his butterfly
During the work day yesterday a butterfly came up and landed in Rockne’s gloved hand and stayed there for nearly all of lunch! It was really fascinating. We decided it was because he had spilled some Gatorade on his glove.
Today we saw so many more butterflies than one usually sees in one place at one time. I think they are good angels looking after us.
We made up for leaving early yesterday by working late today. The men went right back to work on the roof and the siding. New plywood is on the roof and it is covered with the roof underlayment. Rockne and Steve V. worked on finishing the siding and the girls cleaned the existing siding around the house and painted the porch and some of the eaves. We still have work to do under the area the men on the roof are working from but we will get it done!

Cutting plywood
Report from Karyl Melick 7-19-18

Working on the outside of the house
We had fewer people working today as Steve Brockman had a sore foot he needed to get checked out. His son Colby and Susan Baccus went to the doctor with him.

Our supermen working on the roof
At the worksite, we finished a few things, including another paver path and cleaning the outside of the house. We got started on the inside of the house and the singles on the roof are more than halfway complete.
It was very hot on the roof. Our guys are supermen!

Taking a well-deserved break.

Working on the interior of the house.
Final Report from Karyl Melick
Our last day was long and successful. We were so anxious to get started we left our food cooler at camp and had to order pizzas. That was a real sacrifice, lol.
Gail, Karyl, John, and Dawn went to the local food bank and helped sort food into boxes and passed them out to families with need in the area. Then they went to the house to finish the day there.
The men and Sundi went to the house to start work. The roof was finished and all the finishing touches on the house were completed including painting the wood edges of the home, the porch etc. Steve and Rockne finished the siding. A great day all around.
Jodi and her children arrived at the work site in the afternoon.
The trip home was long with only two cars making the journey. We stopped twice for meals. The breakfast stop was at a place called T’s restaurant. They enjoyed us so much they wanted a picture and, of course, we obliged. We left at 5:15 a.m. our earliest I believe. But it seems no matter what time we leave we always roll in between 9 and 10 at night.
Thank you all for your support during our mission trip!
Join us for our 2018 Mission Trip Luncheon, Sunday, Aug. 19, following the 11 a.m. service. Details in the announcements and bulletin.